Before you submit your manuscript to an agent, publisher or competition, it’s a good idea to get professional feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your writing.
A full manuscript assessment can be invaluable for aspiring authors hoping to break into the world of publishing.
My manuscript assessment service provides you with a detailed editorial report, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses in your manuscript. I’ll also give suggestions and techniques to help you address any problems raised.
Once you’ve received your report, I’ll be on hand to answer any questions you have and provide further advice. When you’re ready, we can also discuss whether you should go down the traditional publishing route or choose to self-publish instead.
Here’s how it works:
- You send me your manuscript
- I read it and will quote a price, based on how much work I think it needs
- If you’re happy with the price, I will then write a detailed report telling you what works, what doesn’t work and making practical recommendations for improvements.
- The report will also recommend next steps you need to take and advise on which publishing paths you might want to consider.
- Once you’ve received the report, I’ll be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Up to 15,000 words: £190
Up to 30,000 words: £340
Up to £60,000 words: £400
Over 60,000 words: £400 + £5 for every 1,000 words over 60,000
Fees for short stories: £125